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List of Island Immigrants on the Left

Panama Investment Immigration (Panama Permanent Residence)

Basic conditions

Possess a clean criminal record in the country of origin or residence, a health certificate issued by a qualified professional medical staff within three months, and invest in Panama through one of the following options:

Option 1: Applicants only need to open a US$300,000 (approximately HK$2.33 million) time deposit account in the Panama National Bank to obtain a Panamanian passport (valid for five years) with an annual interest rate of approximately 2%. During this period, applicants can enter and exit Panama freely and enjoy visa-free treatment in 141 countries, provided that the deposit cannot be withdrawn within 5 years.  
Option 2:Applicants only need to open a fixed deposit account of US$300,000 (approximately HK$2.33 million) at the Panama National Bank to obtain a five-year Panama residence permit (green card) with an annual interest rate of approximately 2%. During this period, applicants can enter and exit Panama freely and enjoy visa-free treatment in 141 countries. The condition is that the deposit cannot be withdrawn within 5 years. After 5 years, you can apply for naturalization.

Advantages of the project:

  • 1. Relaxed tax system, no personal income tax, interest tax, or foreign asset tax

  • 2. Quick approval, passport obtained within 3-6 months

  • 3. One person applies, three generations immigrate.

  • 4. Applicants can obtain residency rights immediately

  • 5. Visa-free travel to more than 120 countries, including major countries in Europe and Asia and all American countries.

  • 6. Depositors do not need to serve immigration detention.